Nangue Tasse


Conference Papers

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
ICLR 2022.

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
NeurIPS 2020.

Workshops, Symposia, and Extended Abstracts

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
NeurIPS 2022, Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop.
IROS 2022, Lifelong Learning of High-level Cognitive and Reasoning Skills Workshop.

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
ICAPS 2022, Planning and Reinforcement Learning Workshop.

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
RLDM 2022, Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making Conference.

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
NeurIPS 2021, Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop.

V. Cohen*, G. Nangue Tasse*, N. Gopalan, S. James, M. Gombolay, B. Rosman.
AAAI Fall Symposium on AI for HRI, November 2021.

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
4th Lifelong Learning Workshop at ICML, 2020.

G. Nangue Tasse, S. James, B. Rosman.
Beyond “Tabula Rasa” in Reinforcement Learning (BeTR-RL): Agents that remember, adapt, and generalize (Workshop at ICLR), 2020.

G. Nangue Tasse, J. Connan.
Black in AI workshop at NeurIPS 2019.


Geraud Nangue Tasse. Advised by Steven James and Prof Benjamin Rosman.
M.Sc Thesis (Computer Science), University of the Witwatersrand, 2020.

Geraud Nangue Tasse. Advised by James Connan.
B.Sc.H Thesis (Computer Science), Rhodes University, 2018.